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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Angels and Demons by Dan Brown

In my opinion very well written (the book that is)! The author did an amazing job leading the reader down the path he wanted them to take, and I fell for it, there were parts where I questioned the misdirection but ultimately I fell right into Dan Brown's writing! I bought this book last Thursday, and just finished it....mainly because for me it was slow going....but I seem to remember the same with the Da Vinci Code (sp?). There are all these different stories going on at the same time and Mr. Brown easily and masterfully pulls the confusion together! I have no desire to see the movie Angels and Demons now...this book is just that good! I truly felt like I was on this adventure, in Rome chasing every clue down! Just fantastic!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


On my first writing assignment! Which by the way is my first post on this blog (I think)! So I am pretty excited though I think my professor is rather eccentric or he may just be coming to class high....considering the only time Ive knowing been around people who were high was at the Virgin Mobile Festival (and trust me we only went because we won way myself or my boyfriend would pay that price for tickets) and even then I did not socialize with those people, my only sense of how people act when high is that of a comical sense. Alright I will write more tomorrow but for now I am struggling to keep my eyes open and it is time for bed!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Again with the playing of ideas....

I have yet to hear back about what my professor thought about that piece of writing but I am still tossing around ideas in my head....I thought possibly about the idea of making the main character into a freshman college student who ends up pregnant but I wonder if this is a played out theme, I also kind of want to go for a bit of a shock factor and that won't have the same effect...but there was this young lady I met on the light rail who is a freshman at college park, she was very interesting and would make a great jumping off point for a main character....maybe Ill have her take the form of McKenna I dunno....just throwing ideas out to hear them.....

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Playing with ideas

so since I have such a page turner on my hands, according to my friends, I plan on using this story for my final story, and have been playing with an idea.....I think that the character Caitlyn will end up being pregnant with Adens child....but I have no clue of where it should lead or how to get to that point.....especially since I now know that the story must be 15 pages long. A rather daunting thought....but I am sure I can pull it off or how it should end or if I should just leave it hanging letting people come up with their own ending....

I am starting to understand the point of planning the writing. But I still like the idea of not knowing myself where it will go until its out on paper for me to look at and then I can tweek it so the image I see in my head can be fully seen on the paper. Sadly for me to write two pages worth of a story took me between 4-5 hours because I had to think of so many factors, like am I sticking to the requirements given to me for the orginal assignment, is this girl like me or opposite of me (def. opposite in most ways, there are a few parts here or there that I catch glimpses of me or who I am trying to break away from actually.), what is she going to do, where is she going to go, why is the blue eyed man looking at her at all, why does he look back, how will I connect the two again....will I connect the two of them again, Should McKenna play a bigger part (obviously with an expansion of the story she will)? Am I showing what is being felt instead of tealling what is being felt. Am I showing the scenery and not reporting it? It is so much to think very well may take all semester for me to write 15 pages worth of work lol. Well I have much to do so I better get going. :-) Thanks for reading!

Monday, February 2, 2009

So I decided to begin another blog lol

Specifically for my new writing. As a writer I am not new....since the age of four I have been writing well at least practicing my letter forming and drawing pictures....which as an ELED major I realize that, that in of it self is a form of writing. As far as writing fiction goes I have tried my hand at once or twice...probably more than that and it is only recently that I have considered to take it rather seriously. I just recently began a writing fiction course and from the feedback that I received from friends and family on my first piece of work, it has been said that I may have talent. I have completed a childrens short story for an ELED course requirement and my two year old cousin adores it and the second grade class I student taught in loved it! So, I am in the process of attempting to get it published....but that is neither here nor there. Anyway I am willing to take feedback on this recent piece of work that is more young adult reading was a little bit of a struggle because of my writing style but I hope you enjoy it as much as those who know me best have. Oh there is no title for it so if you come up with a name that might be fitting please let me know!

Caitlyn slowly opened the storm door and stepped out onto the deck. She looked out at the waves crashing into the white sand. The sun peaked out from behind a cloud and warmed her skin. She took a deep breath of the salty, sandy air and strolled out on to the beach, to the edge to the water. The water tickled Caitlyn’s toes sending a chill up her back. Taking another deep breath she ran into the water and dove in. Making even strokes with her arms, Caitlyn swam parallel to the shore, occasionally diving under to smooth her long brown hair out of her face. Her muscles began to tire and she headed back towards shore. As she walked out of the water, Caitlyn wrung out her hair and pulled her hair up into a messy bun. She walked across the hot smooth sand back to her house.

Once back at the house Caitlyn quickly showered and dressed, running late to meet her friends at their usual spot. She let her hair air dry and applied a small amount of makeup. She grabbed her cell phone and purse then hurried out the door.

Caitlyn and her friends gathered around their usual table, eyeing up their prospective male targets for the night. While Caitlyn sipped on her drink, she made eye contact with a tall, muscular, blue eyed, dark haired man. She smiled flirtatiously, and then quickly looked away and nudged her friend McKenna. “Is he headed over here?” she asked. “No, not yet.” whispered McKenna. Giggling, Caitlyn sipped on her drink again and sneaked a peek back over to the blued eyed man. She saw that he was still starring at her and she pulled her long hair over her left shoulder, exposing her slim, bare, tan back and giving a peek of her dolphins and hibiscus tramp stamp. Caitlyn nudged McKenna once more, “How about now?” she asked. “Nope, but I think he is interested,” McKenna replied. Caitlyn glanced over her shoulder just in time to see a short, plump red headed woman walk up to the blue eyed man and for the blue eyed man to wrap his arms around the woman and plant a sickening sweet, deep kiss on her lips. The red headed woman pulled away and beamed up at the blue eyed man, a shiny diamond gleaming on her left ring finger. She wrapped an arm around his waist and he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, they both headed towards the exit. Just before the blue eyed man walked out the door, he looked at Caitlyn with longing and then followed his fiancĂ©. “Damn” muttered Caitlyn.

Both Caitlyn and McKenna struck out with the men they had been eye balling, while the rest of their friends walked out hanging all over the drunken men they had chosen for the night. “Hey, did you want to hit the diner before heading home?” asked McKenna. “Nahhhh, I am going to head home, I am beat!” replied Caitlyn.

Once she arrived home she headed straight to the beach, stopping momentarily to slip off her thinly strapped high heels. She placed the heels on her deck, and buried her feet into the now soft, warm sand. The waves were now gently lapping at the shore line, with the moonlight casting a soft light on the beach. Caitlyn slowly made her way to the water’s edge and starred out into the vast ocean. A gentle breeze blew causing her to shiver. Two strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind, “You might be warmer if you actually wore real clothes,” said the owner of the arms. Caitlyn turned around within the circle the arms created “I’d rather tease and tempt you Aden, then be warm,” she said warmly, looking up at the blue eyed man. He leaned in to kiss her. Caitlyn pulled away. “So that was her?” she asked. “Yes, that was Melinda,” replied Aden, as he stepped forward and pulled Caitlyn close again. He attempted to kiss her once more, Caitlyn pulled away again putting more space between her and Aden. “You’re engaged now?” she accused. “Yes,” Aden sighed starring out into the ocean. “I wish you would have warned me,” sniffed Caitlyn, tears welling up in her eyes. “I guess this is goodbye then,” she said softly as she kissed him on the cheek, and slowly walked away, shoulders slumped and tears streaming down her cheeks. Aden watched her walk away but did not chase after her. He followed the water’s edge back to where he parked his car and drove away.

Well that is pretty much it....let me know what ya think!